
Stemic: concept maps creation

Handle your data, construct your thoughts

Use Stemic to draw maps of situations or issues and understand their complexity. Visualize and act…

With Stemic you can…





Schematize situations or issues as a relational graph

To understand a complex situation, it is necessary to schematize it in the form of a mind map or a concept map. Stemic offers to the users the possibility of constructing and sharing their vision of a situation in an infinite digital space and very easy to use.

The use of Stemic is intuitive, the interactions have been designed to facilitate the manipulation of data and support your thoughts.
To structure and organize your data, nothing could be simpler, create categories ; and to better describe your objects, add properties!

Enrich your data with categories and properties

Stemic allows you to manipulate data having different natures and maturities: a simple idea, materialized in the form of a post-it, can be connected with structured objects of various nature.

Take a step back. Get an overview

The produced concept map is a global or systemic view of a situation. It is because the user draws and then perceives the objects and their relationships that he is able to understand the situation as a whole. It is thanks to the help of the zoom and the groups,that he can easily navigate between a macro view therefore global and a micro view that is to say detailed, that he is able to finely analyze the things.

Stemic is a visual thinking tool that helps at understanding and therefore at decision-making.

Send your maps. Explain your point of view.

Your concept maps or mind maps produced with Stemic can go with your speech during a presentation, can illustrate your writings in a document. Presenting your work as a visual form will support your reasoning, makes it understandable by all.

So do not hesitate… Authorize sharing and broadcast your point of view. Send a link to your maps to colleagues, friends, by email or on social media. Exchange, collaborate.

“Making a map on Stemic allows me a better understanding of some complex ecosystems on a daily basis”

Gérard Landrodie, Consultant FMES
Business intelligenceStrategic studies

“Stemic takes a fresh approach to concept mapping”

Chuck Frey, Visual thinking expert

You want to know more on Stemic, read the interview we gave on mindmapping software blog

“The fluidity of the app, to be compared with the use of pen and paper, allows ideas to emerge”

Florence Torcq, Coach
As a concept map creation tool, Stemic is ideal for illustrating all kinds of complex situations such as the stages of a process, the interactions between actors and groups of actors, etc.

Mind map or concept map?

Classical mind maps are suitable for representing hierarchical data. The main subject, placed in the center of the map, is divided into sub-subjects in a tree form. Concept maps go further. The tree gives way to the network, thus favoring the representation and the articulation of the different objects between them.

Focus on the content not on the form

Stemic is a thinking support tool. For the graphic design, we therefore took the opposite view of the classical mind map tools, no flashy colors nor illustrative images… but different graphical forms for objects of different natures. The interface is minimal, the graphic design is sleek in order to highlight your data, your analyzes.

Not just to brainstorm, to structure your thoughts

With Stemic you can take notes on the fly, organize your ideas, connect them as on a classical mind map… but to go much further, Stemic allow you to categorize and describe your objects, to express the nature and the direction of the links which unite them. Stemic helps you to construct your analysis, to model your knowledge therefore to structure your thoughts.

Thanks to the concept maps produced with Stemic, formalize your knowledge and transmit it easily.

Simple, easy to use and powerful

Stemic is not a technical or techno-centered object, Stemic is the Concept map application designed to be easy to use. Simple, fluid and intuitive interactions. Reactive and dynamic, Stemic supports you whatever the issues you are tackling.

A rich user experience, easy handling, even without explanation or demonstration. You too,Try Stemic
Domains of application


Whether it's cyber investigation or investigative journalism, Stemic helps you turn your data into knowledge, to synthesize, represent and solve your most complex investigations.

Business intelligence

Stemic allows you to structure your knowledge, to map a network of actors to improve the control of your environment and make the right decisions.

Learning & education

Memorizing by doing, synthesizing the content of a lesson or training, constructing your own argument... these are the benefits of a Stemic concept map.

Project management

Stemic maps allow you to manage projects at different levels: from global ecosystem to detail of the functional components of your project, passing by the milestones that punctuate it.


Stemic allows you to analyze in the form of concept maps, the relationships between the parties, objects, obligations, notes of a case or contract as well as the legal logic which underlies these relationships.

Corporate strategy

Stemic can be part of an innovative process within your company to describe concerns, facilitate the conducting meeting and produce communication mediums.

They already trust us…
Ministère de l’économie et des financesMinistère des arméesEngieCommisseriat à l’Énergie AtomiqueSuezUniversité Panthéon SorbonneUniversité de BordeauxUniversité de MontpellierSeclabNatixisNaval groupSNCFThalesOrangeSciences Po

The team

We are designers and developers. We take special care in the design and development of our product interfaces and interactions.

Coming from the intactile DESIGN agency, our sensibilities, expertises, skills and trainings locates, for the last 10 years, the user at the core of our work to offer a software being both intuitive and powerful, providing a high quality user experience.

Meet us on social media, share your maps, send us your feedbacks, the app is continuously evolving!
Try Stemic